Don't Fear Minimalism
Hearing the phrases "less is more" and "quality over quantity" over and over again? Then you probably know that minimalism is a fast growing trend and steadily gaining popularity, especially over the last year// think Marie Kondo-fame.
Opinions of and motivations as to why to practise minimalist principles may vary; in our modern society, and especially amongst my own clients and friends, people feel the need to move away from consumerism and buy less, but of better quality. And I'm not just talking about clothes, shoes & accessories. Aka the "capsule wardrobe".
As an added extra, the declutter movement has made it clear that there is a very strong connection between our mental health and our physical surroundings; having a few key pieces of furniture & freeing up space in your home by sorting through everything, you too may be on your way to start capsule living/ compartmentalizing!
I'm loving the concept. Especially after seeing first hand how it changes my clients' lives & attitudes towards getting dressed, drastically. The pressure is off and everyone feels healthier, more in control, calmer and lighter :)
The Capsule Wardrobe/ The Compartmentalized Closet/ The Essentials Wardrobe/ The French Closet
Call it what you want to call it, the principle is as follow: a capsule/ compartementalized/ essential or French wardrobe consists of a controllable number of pieces of clothing - roughly around 50-80 pieces.
This wardrobe is built around a few classic pieces of solid colour and a few statement pieces to bring in your personal style (expression).
This manageable wardrobe saves you time, money and space. Less clutter = a happier life!
Why would yóú want a minimalist wardrobe?
1. More effective & productive mornings. This way of managing your wardrobe takes the lengthy & overwhelming choices between options out of your life. By simplifying your wardrobe, you enjoy, want and appreciate every item in there. It also forces you into a simpler decision-making process that will save you time and energy.
2. Less impulse buying & less cognitive dissonance. If you are always "buying" but never feel like your items fit/ work well together and you are often hearing yourself say: "Why did I even buy this? I never wear it and it goes with absolutely nothing I own".
If this sounds like you, you will definitely want to consider a compartmentalized wardrobe. You will notice great savings and a better sense of overall appreciation for items. This justifies buying garments of better quality and design as you get more wear out of them.
3. A simple life is a happy life. Our days and schedules are hectic; working our way through home, kids, traffic, exercising, work, food shopping, cooking, homework, household chores, planning & relationships at a strenuous pace on a daily basis, and adding on top of that the urge/ temptation to "keep up" with everything you see on your phone & on social's just all too much.
Over time, it causes unnecessary stress, anxiety, a feeling of amis and guilt about over-consuming in an already fragile world & diminishing earthly environment.
Life truly is complicated enough. Getting dressed shouldn't be. Simplify and be a new, confident, happy dresser; my minimalist way.